Did you know it costs up to $30,000 each time the WVSO-P brings the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra to Parkersburg? And in the past, ticket sales usually only cover 40% of that cost!

Donate now to help bring these important cultural experiences and entertainment to the Mid-Ohio Valley! You can also choose to make a restricted donation to ensure our nearly 3,000 local students benefit from free events each year.

You can help by Becoming a Sustaining Patron or donating today!

Sustaining Patrons support WVSOP by directly funding the full cost of their symphony experience.
All other ticket levels are sold for less than it costs WVSO-P to host concerts in Parkersburg! Why? We want to ensure concerts are as affordable as possible to a wide and diverse audience.

Lets do the math!

Orchestra Costs
divided by
Number of Seats Sold
Cost per seat.


600 to 750

$40 - $50

Your tax exempt donation helps ensure we can offer programs year after year!